Let Us Do the Training!

Dogs in HarmonyWe teach your dog the skills needed for household harmony

Do you envy your friends whose dogs sit several feet away from the door when you come to visit? Dogs that lie down on their beds when asked? Dogs that come when called? Dogs that never jump up or chew your shoes or bark incessantly at squirrels?

We can train your dog to do all of these things and more.

When to start

Dogs can learn new tricks at any age. In fact, the earlier the better, it’s never too early to start developing good basic manners. As your puppy gets a little older, you can add to its growing set of skills.

At Coastside Canine, we utilize effective, science-based, positive reinforcement techniques that help your dog learn and make it easy for you to maintain the new behaviors over time. Our unique approach to training turns lessons into games, making it fun for both humans and their canine pals.

How we work

Our training is personalized for you and your family, your schedule and your dog’s specific needs. We’ll start with an initial consultation, where we’ll discuss your concerns and training goals. We’ll set up a plan that will detail how often we meet and estimate your total cost.

At the end of each week, we’ll transfer the training we’ve done to you so you can maintain the behaviors your dog has learned.


Initial consult (90 minutes)  $185

Hourly rate $140

Package rates available, customized to each client’s training goals.

Get Started Today!
Call Gina at 650-350-9939
Email: gina@coastsidecanine.com